FBC Albemarle Music Ministry
The Sanctuary Choir at Christmas
The Music Ministry has always been an integral part of First Baptist Church's history. Worship at First Baptist is traditional-blended in style, meaning we use worship music and hymns of the past along with contemporary music of the present day. While the organ and the piano are our primary worship instruments, we also use other instruments such as the flute, guitar, violin, trumpet, tuba, euphonium, trombone, harp, percussion, and other instruments. Under the leadership of Rev. Aza Hudson, the Minister of Music, there are a myriad of ways for musicians to express their gifts and talents in worship. There is always room for anyone interested in joining a choir.
Instrumental ensembles play periodically during worship. All instruments are welcome to join.
Regular School Year Schedule:
Youth Choir (Grades 6-12) - Sundays at Noon
Youth Handbell Choir (Grades 6-12) - Sundays at 9:00 am
Children's Choir (Grades 1-5) - Wednesdays at 5:45 pm
Cathedral Ringers - Wednesdays at 6:00 pm
Sanctuary Choir - Wednesdays at 7:00 pm
Cathedral Ringers